To the Public Library
We are interested in some figures concerning the external trade of Finland: The imports of selected commodities according to the harmonized system (HS) or Commodity group (CN).
I have been in the statistical yearbook of Finland, but it is not detailed enough. Perhaps you could help us, if it's not too much to ask for.
The numbers in question are the HS/CN-numbers from 4011.20.10 to 4016.93.90 (including these two numbers). It your statistics is devided into SITC-numbers the numbers are from 625.20 to 629.99 (including the two numbers). It has got something to do with bicycle tires and other things made out of rubber.
I look foreward to hearing from you.
There is a statistical yearbook published every year by National
Board of Customs according these figures. This publication is
available as a handbook in Pasila, Töölö and Itäkeskus. Unfortenately it is published retroactive. There is iformation
available also in Internet at least in the following adresses: (Board of Customs, information
is liable to charge) and
(the Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers). These both
links can be found in adress
tilluet.html#Talous, kauppa, työ ja teollisuus.
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