1. What was the demographic composition of Finland in the mid 1965? 2. What was the average income of a average family durning in 1965? 3. What was the…


1. What was the demographic composition of Finland in the mid 1965?
2. What was the average income of a average family durning in 1965?
3. What was the unemployment rate of Finland in Finland in 1965/



1) There was 4569900 people in Finland in the end of the year 1965, of which males 2207300. 2016000 of the population lived in urban communities and 2553900 in rural communes. (Suomen taloushistoria 3.1983)
2)The median income in the year 1965 in all industries was 4700 mk. Agriculture and related activities 2860 mk, industry and handicraft 6280 mk, commerce 4190 mk, transport and communication 7460 mk, services 6020 mk, industry unknown, no profession 1730 mk. (Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja 1968)
3)There was 30000 unemployed persons in 1965. The unemployment rate was 1,4 %. (Suomen taloushistoria 3. 1983)

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